
July 25, 2019

Recipe of your favorite dish

This assignment includes the recipe of your favorite dish and an analysis of the nutritional value of the dish. The analysis excluding the recipe should be at least 300 words. Please provide the source for the recipe (APA format). List ingredients and describe the preparation in a quote. Utilize either […]
July 25, 2019

“A Project to Reengineer Discharges Reduces 30-Day Readmission Rates” and “Aiming for Fewer Hospital U-turns1″ articles analysis

For this week’s Discussion Board there are two articles to generate conversation. Please read “A Project to Reengineer Discharges Reduces 30-Day Readmission Rates” and “Aiming for Fewer Hospital U-turns in the articles folder of the Course Content section of the course and then discuss the following: 1) What are your […]
July 25, 2019

Why do teenagers abuse drugs

1000-1200 words -argues the causes of your particular topic and use researched evidence (including direct quotes) to support your claims (if needed) -it should also distinguish between immediate and remote causes, focusing on immediate causes first
July 25, 2019

Discuss the definition of Health Education and Health Promotion

Define Health Education and Health Educators. You will then read Chapter 1 and write a paper (1 page maximum) on, “Defining Health Education and Health Promotion.” Your paper should discuss the definition of Health Education and Health Promotion, the differences/relationship between the two, as well as the definition of Health […]
July 25, 2019

Causes of medical errors in health care

For this week’s Discussion Board please read “To Err is Human” in the Week #1 Folder of the Course Content section of the course and then comment on the following: 1) Your reactions to some of the causes of medical errors in health care as described in the article. 2) […]
July 25, 2019

What is really meant by Lean

In your own words provide in a document (maximum of 500 words) a summary of the first three chapters in Lean Done Right. This paper should include the following: 1) what is really meant by Lean; 2) examples of how Lean has been misused or applied incorrectly; 3) how is […]