Describe a time when you quickly evaluated a lot of information to make a recommendation. What was the outcome of your recommendation? What did you find most challenging?
Case study Harvard Business School. Blood Bananas: Chiquita in Colombia 1. What can current CEO Fernando Aguirre do to restore Chiquita’s reputation and ensure future competitiveness? 2. Report a recent marketing controversy of a company (“Recent” means that it occurred within the last 6 months). This controversy should be associated […]
You are the CEO of a midsize, technology software company in Saudi Arabia and want to take your company global and offer your software worldwide. You will need to open offices in nations around the world. Would you not open offices in nations with high political and legal risks and […]
What barriers might affect the implementation of sustainability policies and procedures in an organisation? List at least 12. What strategies might be used to address them? List at least 10.