
May 3, 2019

Post a brief analysis of a public policy problem either in the United States that you think warrants a place on the public policy agenda and include why

Discussion about a “national policy agenda” raises issues about the interests, goals, and fears of many different communities, constituencies, and interest groups. The policy agenda is formulated by the input of many different groups. All of the groups think or believe that a particular issue, concern, or problem is deserving […]
May 3, 2019

What is the difference between capitalism and socialism? How are each incorporated into the US political system?

Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 3, 4; review Chapter 2 (Section: Ideologies and Politics in the United States) Lesson Additional scholarly sources you […]
May 3, 2019

Political influences on logistics and supply chain Activities

Question Description the following document contains all requirements of the report please read carefully through it and only bid if certain to meet the requirements fully 100% Attachment previewThe assessment addresses the political influences on logistics and supply chain Activities For the chosen topic, its required to: 1. Provide a […]
May 3, 2019

How has Social Media changed how you think about American Politics?

How has Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc.) changed how you think about American Politics? Consider TWO Positive and TWO Negative impacts of Social Media on your understanding of American politics. What can you do help me mitigate the negative impacts of Social Media on your understanding of American […]
May 3, 2019

Virtual Community Stakeholders: Gun Control discussion

Gun control is a single policy topic with a wide range of passionate viewpoints. It can be a contentious issue in which individual freedoms collide with the role of government to ensure public safety. Visit the Virtual Community, linked from this week’s Learning Resources, to gather stakeholder information in the […]