
May 31, 2019

Moving On From a Conflict Research Paper

When having conflict with someone on the job you should be the bigger person and talk to the individual who has the issue because sometimes it can be a misunderstanding and a simple conversation can solve the conflict but everyone have conflict with a person forever only because they do […]
May 31, 2019

How does an innocent person survive the horror of unjust incarceration, with the shadow of death constantly hanging overhead—and somehow come through it all with the lesson that “the sun does shine?

In 1985, Anthony Ray Hinton was arrested for the murder of two fast food restaurant workers in Birmingham, Alabama. For these crimes, he was sentenced to death, and spent 28 years on death row, awaiting the electric chair. There was a problem, however. Mr. Hinton was innocent. “The state of […]
May 31, 2019

The Plain View Doctrine Discussion

Under the plain-view doctrine police officers who stop vehicles for traffic violations can search the car if there is probable cause. If there are items that the police officer notice are contraband or illegal substances. “Thus, the significant elements in any plain view doctrine seizure are: (1) the officer must […]
May 31, 2019

Articulate how a diverse or special population defendant’s rights at trial

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you articulate how a diverse or special population defendant’s rights at trial can be assured (ex: a deaf or elderly defendant). Discuss the pretrial process, jury selection (ex: voir dire), and determine how to insure this defendant is provided the rights to: […]
May 31, 2019

Assignment Employment Law Issues Paper

Briefly analyze whether any of the conduct described below violates any laws that we have studied in this class thus far. In addition, note that Paragraph 10 below requires some outside research. Your analysis should identify the specific legal issues and related laws implicated by the fact pattern. Please address […]