
July 15, 2019

Analyze the failure of Coca-Cola Blak in the U.S. market

Introduction Coca-Cola Blak was introduced to various international markets including the USA and discontinued in the US market in 2007. In this case you are to analyze a famous firm’s product failure and in doing so demonstrate your understanding of a promotion strategy, what elements in the overall marketing strategy […]
July 15, 2019

Why is Microsoft tweeting about the Imagine Cup 2017?

1.Why is Microsoft tweeting about the Imagine Cup 2017? 2. What is the most important purpose of the Tweet (social media) post? 1. Increase customer engagement, 2. Increase content awareness, 3. Increase sales, 4. Increase web traffic, or 5. Reduce marketing costs. 3. Rank 1-5 in question 2 above in the […]
July 15, 2019

Do you think needs triggered by marketing efforts are unethical?

Discussion board additional question It is true that a perceived need can be as simple as noticing an empty container. It can also be activated by marketing efforts. Do you think needs triggered by marketing efforts are unethical? In other words, should (or even can) marketers trigger a consumer need? […]
July 15, 2019

Define Needs, Wants, and Demands by your own experience

1. Define Needs, Wants, and Demands by your own experience. 2. Define Product/Market Expansion Grid(existing product, New product, Existing markets, New Markets) and name products or services that fit into the Grid. 3. Why accepting heterogeneity is important in marketing? How is that important when applying to marketing mix(4p)? Give […]
July 15, 2019

Why is it in important to collect information about company’s customer’s and make an effort to get to know yours customer’s

This is a question in an CRM course (Customer relations management) . The book being taught is Payne, A., & Frow, P. (2013). Startegic customer management: integrating relationship marketing and crm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The question; Why is it in important to collect information about company’s customer’s and make […]
July 15, 2019

Gen Y in the Workforce by Tamara J. Erickson

The article is called Gen Y in the Workforce by Tamara J. Erickson and can be found at: Question 1 : Why is Josh unsatisfied with his job? Question 2: What can Sarah do to make Josh more satisfied,whilealsogettinghimtoperformbetteratthetasksthatshehasassignedforhim? Question 3: How can the film-marketing unit improve